General Info

With my somewhat recent introduction to roguelike games, and needing to make a final project for EE551: Engineering Python at Stevens, I figured I'd try my hand at making a roguelike myself. Seeing as the class is teaching Python, I went with the best documented roguelike engine I could find, libtcod, which conveniently has amazing Python bindings. From the r/roguelikedev subreddit I found a very comprehensive tutorial detailing how to get off the ground and running with libtcod, which this project was largely based off of and expanded on.

The source code for this project can be found here:

Current State

As of the latest update to this post, this project is inactive. I briefly tried porting what was here over to Rust, but I've yet to find the time or motivation to finish it, or improve this project further.


Title Screen

Title Screen



Random Maps

Random Maps

Message History

Message History

Finding Items

Finding Items



Character Info

Character Info